
Agter elke brood

Met ’n fokus op gehalte en bekostigbaarheid, werk Albany se span hard om vars, voedsame brood op Suid-Afrikaanse tafels te bring. Albany se betrokkenheid strek verder as brood; hulle ondersteun die gemeenskap deur inisiatiewe soos jeugprogramme en die Universiteit Voedselprogram.

This Vredendal producer wears a green coat

A Vredendal farm’s broad interests and search for new opportunities led to the establishment of a distillery run on solar power and test site for bamboo.

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Story of an African farm pharmacy

While in his office, Hennie hooks me up to the Rife scanner to scan my system for parasites. “It doesn’t look too bad,” he proclaims after a few minutes. I spot a few unwelcome internal guests on the report but Hennie brushes it off. “Be grateful you don’t have slugs in you!”

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Tulips from South Africa

Bloomia is an exceptional agricultural “business in a building” that grows imported tulip bulbs for the local cut flower market. The production is 100% hydroponic and delivers tulips all year round. It is not only one of a kind in Africa, but one of only a handful in the world that farm hydroponic tulips all year round.

Love, life skills and a bunch of open roses

For the nine years that Langkloof Roses have been in the possession of Antoinette Louw and her husband, it has been used as a distributor of antique cut roses and a wedding venue. These days farming is the smallest of their income.

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Barrydale’s Awassi-milk sheep

David has always dreamt of farming. His dream became reality as David had been interested in milk sheep for a long time. He read a lot about milk sheep, talked to other people and travelled overseas to gather more information about them. They wanted to be close to their market and eventually decided on a centrally situated town, Barrydale.

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By Dalewood Frommage in Simondium begin die kaasmaakproses by die kwaliteit van hul koeie se kos en eindig met uitmuntende kase wat internasionale erkenning geniet.

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Dew Crisp. Die groentebedryf se pioniers

Pioniers van die groentebedryf. Dew Crisp is een van Suid-Afrika se grootste verskaffers van vars slaai en groente. Lees meer oor hoe hulle bybly met voorraad aan van die grootste kettingwinkels.

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