Year: 2024

Shiraz SA Challenge: Topwyne bekroon

Die wenners van die 12de jaarlikse Shiraz SA Challenge is deur Shiraz SA bekend gemaak, met ses oesjare uit ‘n wye verskeidenheid streke wat presteer het. Finaliste en bekendes in die wynbedryf het op Donderdag 15 Augustus 2024 in die Paarl vir die toekenningsgeleentheid by Simonsvlei Wynkelder byeengekom. Die hoofborg was Vinventions, wat reeds etlike jare by Shiraz SA betrokke is.

Vergenoegd Löw’s back to the future wine growing

Vergenoegd Löw, the low-lying Stellenbosch estate a pebble’s throw from the sea, is maximising the advantage of its location by working with, rather than against nature. According to MD Corius Visser, this entails an increasing focus on regenerative agriculture to build soil health and biodiversity, and to enhance the climate-resilience and fruit quality of its new-generation vines.