Month: August 2020

The Old Mutual Trophy Wine Show – SA’s best wine judges focus a spotlight on best wines.

he 2020 edition of the Old Mutual Trophy Wine Show kicks off today, 31st August, a full four months later than normal, to shine the spotlight of critical approval on South Africa’s finest wines. Conscious of the regulations designed to minimise the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the convenor and the show coordinators have re-designed the judging environment and re-written the rule-book of the country’s most credible wine show. Covid-19 made it impossible for the illustrious international judges committed to joining the 2020 panels to travel to South Africa. They have been replaced by some of South Africa’s most experienced senior judges, all of whom have worked with the many international judges whose presence has added experience and cachet to the competition’s results domestically, and in South Africa’s international wine markets.

Boerek (Turkse spinasiepastei)

‘n Goeie soort wakkerword is as mens besef dat wat jy altyd gedink het ‘n ouderdomsverwante agteruitgang van jou smaaksintuig is, niks anders is as dat kos al minder na iets proe nie. Een hap van die doodeenvoudige spinasiepastei is genoeg – die kors is krakerig vars en die bietjie feta net so lekker. Maar dit is die spinasie self wat my laat regopsit. Dit is asof ek skielik met ‘n mondvol plaas sit.