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Vergenoegd Löw’s back to the future wine growing
Vergenoegd Löw, the low-lying Stellenbosch estate a pebble’s throw from the sea, is maximising the advantage of its location by working with, rather than against nature. According to MD Corius Visser, this entails an increasing focus on regenerative agriculture to build soil health and biodiversity, and to enhance the climate-resilience and fruit quality of its new-generation vines.
Onwetenskaplike Sandveld waterbeperkings sal aartappels onbetaalbaar maak
Stygende aartappelpryse wat aan die einde van 2023 gesien is, kan die nuwe realiteit word as watergebruiksbeperkings op boere in die Wes-Kaap se Sandveld-gebied ingestel word.
Lamb Champs 2024: SA se lekkerste lamsvleis kom van die Vrystaat
anjaar se wenner van Saai se Lamb Champs-kompetisie gekroon. Hy wen R80 000 kontant en verskeie ander pryse, sowel as ’n brons trofee deur die beeldhouer Nic van Rensburg ter waarde van R85 000.