Month: October 2020

Omnia evalueer nou plantgesondheid op die plaas

Die OmniSap®-span van Omnia Nutrilogie® het onlangs ’n draagbare toetsstelsel bekend-gestel vir die onmiddellike meting van plantgesondheid in die veld. “Die toetsstelsel bestaan uit twee dele wat in ’n draagbare houer verpak word,” sê Willem Jonker, Spesialis: OmniSap®. Die twee dele is ’n klein mobiele plantsap-pers en ’n refraktometer om die sukrose in die plantsap te meet. Menso van Zyl, navorsingstegnikus by Omnia, het die sappers ontwikkel en vervaardig.

Nóg een van die ergste brande – hulp nóú nodig

Meer as 100 000 hektaar weiveld is in ʼn verwoestende brand die afgelope vier dae in groot gedeeltes van die Vrystaat en Noord-Kaap vernietig. Honderde stuks vee, wild en selfs huise is geheel en al verwoes. Boshof, Dealesville, Hertzogville en Hoopstad is van die gebiede wat deur die verwoesting geraak is. Dié brand het in ‘n noordwestelike rigting na Boshof in die Noord-Kaap beweeg. Tans is die vure onder beheer, maar lede van Vrystaat Landbou asook die FS Sambreel BBV (Brand Beskermingsvereniging) hou ‘n wakende oog oor die situasie.

Nedbank unites with Boland Trees for Bees to safeguard honeybees, mitigate climate risk

For the first time in history the Word Economic Forum, in its 10-year outlook, has identified the top five global risks in the Global Risks Report 2020 as environmental. Among these are failure to mitigate and adapt to climate change and major biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse. A critical link in these threats is the dramatic decline in honeybee populations globally.

The British farm that went from ‘biological desert’ to biodiversity hotspot

In a report for Call to Earth, CNN visited the Knepp estate, a 3,500-acre area in the south of England, where a traditional farm has been transformed into a biodiversity hotspot through rewilding. Since starting the process in 2001, Knepp has become a celebrated conservation success story, attracting many rare species and transforming the landscape from an English country farm to untamed wilderness.