All posts tagged: Stellenbosch

Nuwe organisasie vir landboustudente op Stellenbosch

Stellenbosch Landbou, ’n onafhanklike studenteorganisasie, is vandag by La Boucher op die Slaley Wynlandgoed bekendgestel. Studente van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch, Elsenburg-landboukollege en omliggende tersiêre instellings wat belangstel in landbou, die platteland en familiegebaseerde ondernemings kan aansluit by Stellenbosch Landbou. Die organisasie sal inskakel by die familieboerenetwerk Saai se studentevleuel, waar verskeie ander studentestrukture soos dié in Pretoria en Bloemfontein ook inskakel. Buiten die skakeling tussen hierdie studenteorganisasies word daar beding vir studiegeleenthede in die buiteland, beurse, werksgeleenthede en sosiale interaksies wat vry is van die erg regulatoriese omgewing van staats instellings. ’n Bus vol Stellenbosch-studente het reeds verlede week, as gaste van Graan-SA, Kaap Nampo bygewoon om met borge, hoë-tegnologie maatskappye en bio-tegnologie navorsers te skakel.  “Stellenbosch Landbou is ’n leierskapontwikkelingsplatform vir studente deur studente…” “Stellenbosch Landbou is ’n leierskapontwikkelingsplatform vir studente deur studente, wat buite die struktuur en finansieringssambreel van die universiteit of landboukollege staan. Beide die sosiale aktiwiteite en landbou-inhoud van skakel-aksies het ’n landelike fokus, en is daarop afgestem om ’n ryker studente-ervaring te skep,” sê Meent Borcherds, die voorsitter van Stellenbosch …

Vergenoegd Löw’s back to the future wine growing

Vergenoegd Löw, the low-lying Stellenbosch estate a pebble’s throw from the sea, is maximising the advantage of its location by working with, rather than against nature. According to MD Corius Visser, this entails an increasing focus on regenerative agriculture to build soil health and biodiversity, and to enhance the climate-resilience and fruit quality of its new-generation vines.

Kleinood – the farm that inspired it all

In the year 2000 the small farm, that was to become Kleinood, was very different from what it is now. Although its inherent natural beauty and charm was always there, it was, sadly, just a run down and neglected little fruit farm in a beautiful valley against a backdrop of majestic mountains and a river running through it. But it stole our hearts and we decided to give it our best.